Common Elements of all Research Projects

Campbell DeLong Resources custom-designs each market research project. However, all projects have the following elements in common:

Attention to design. We spend the time up front to understand your research objectives as well as the product, concept, or policy to be explored. This may mean more time at the beginning of a project, but it always pays off when we conduct, analyze, & present the results of the research.

Quality screening of all respondents. For research to be successful, the right people have to be asked the right questions. The first step in finding the right people is designing a good screening process. The second is the careful supervision of the data collection process to ensure all respondents, regardless if they are participants in a focus group or respondents in a large sample telephone survey, are properly screened & qualified.

Intelligent, well-written analysis & recommendations. For data to be useful, it must be presented in a format that can be understood. Our clients offer the best comments about our report quality:
"The best research report I have ever read. It really made me think about the issues."
"Reading your report is like reading a story. It held my interest to the end."

Lively, well-thought-out presentations tailored to the needs of the audience. We have experience presenting to large and small audiences, to heads of major international corporations, elected officials, and to individual program managers. Regardless of the audience, our objective is to provide a lively discussion of the issues, not a dry research presentation.