Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is used most often when an exploratory approach is called for. Our clients use qualitative research when investigating new markets, concepts, issues, or trends, or to guide the development of new products, services, or policies.

The focus groups is the most common qualitative methodology used today. However, we also conduct 1-on-1 executive interviews in-person & over the phone, as well as dyads (2-on-1), & triads.

Regardless of the methodology, key elements in Campbell DeLong Resources' approach to any quantitative research project include:

Examples of these techniques include the use of conjoint analysis, an exercise that helps us understand the trade-offs that participants are willing to make when deciding which product to purchase, and evocative imaging, a technique typically used to develop a better understanding of participants' image of companies and products.

A complete review of tapes before a final analysis is submitted. Before we develop our analysis, we conduct a thorough review of the video tapes from the focus groups, comparing comments on a given subject across multiple groups. This way we are providing a report based on what participants said, not just what we remember they said.